BHA is one of the lesser reasons I don't drink bottled water very often. The main reason is that when your drinking bottled water your paying more per gallon than gasoline sells for.

That when municipal water is both safer and a whole lot cheaper.

Reason enough to avoid the bottled water for every-day use. But bottled water has some advantages for emergency or survival use. The water stores well. Even after more than a year I have never had an issue with bottled water. Even the cheap store-brands.

It is also packed in individual serving size. This makes it easier to distribute and increases the odds that a good percentage of the supply survives being shot up, beat down and dropped off a cliff.

And after your done drinking your water you have a handy container. A liter bottle makes using chemical treatments on questionable found water simple. Those bottles will also hold other liquids, cereals and other materials and like tin cans they can be cut up to make dinnerware and useful objects around a camp.

Okay, I'm getting some BHA when I drink the water. But it is only for a few days and it is during an emergency so some small amount of risk is marginally acceptable.