I'm so dumb. I think I had the answer (or at least part of it) all along.

I dusted off my copy of 'Camp Cookery' (originally published in 1910). It's virtually a how to manual for a base camp or chuck wagon. There were no refrigerators or supermarkets or anything fancy so food needed to store well and be nutritious enough to feed hardy working men. I believe if I remember correctly the book even goes so far as to shun spices because only 'city food' needs spice...real food tastes good on it's own.

I think that with a bit of creative shopping many of the ideals in this book could be utilized to put together an emergency pantry of sorts.

I'm going to read it tonight (It's not a big book) and if I have any 'why didn't I think of that?!' moments I'll post about it.

Taurus: Thanks for the tip bro. My inlaws live close to that SaveOn by Namao...I'm totally going to get me some hardtack this week!