You're nuts. But, thank you for being such a source of info on cold weather survival. Being from SoCal myself, this Michigan weather is a PITA - but looking at you, I find myself not able to complain.

Thanks for the info on the 10/22; I guess I'll keep mine nice and dry in the basement (plus, they frown on carrying weapons in Detroit!). Out of curiousity, how are bolt-actions in that weather? I've got a Russian M-44. I assume Russians know something about firearms in the cold, but I sure won't go outside with it and figure it out!

1 other question: do you find that you "get used to" your weather when it's that extreme? I usually walk my dog about an hour daily, but here it's only about 20F. I'm noticing that I'll be OK in a t-shirt and my jacket (whereas earlier in the year, I'd have a sweatshirt on too). In other words, do you think it helps to force yourself into that weather, or do you just end up freezing your butt off no matter what?

Thanks for another great post!