rabbit stew and a glass of whisky--sounds like dinner in the
Old Country..have you tryed washing the gun parts in boiling
water to get the oil off in the sub zero weather..thats a
tip i hear about but have never tryed..
we had some cold weather down here--only 14 below..i thought
i would try out my fire starting gear i carry on the inside
pocket of my parka--not much..matches--candle--so on a dog
hike by the Mississippi River i pulled some sticks in a pile
and found out right away that the INSIDE of the parka is not
the place to carry stuff like that..i had to unzip and open
the jacket--and unzip the inside pocket,all the while geting
cold fast--i of course was able to get a fire going to
say i did it but i have now switched the fire making gear
to an outside pocket so i don't have to exposed myself to
weather to get to it..