I don't have as much "experience with women" as my age might lead others to believe, but one thing I have learned about people, regardless of gender or what-have-you, is that it is best to treat all people as equals. Dignity isn't only for men. A survival situation will bring out the best and worse in everyone, not just men, not just women. I think personal strengths that might be shelved in society quickly lose there dust in a survival situation. They have to, or they die. I also think that most people like to think that they are in a survival situation when they might not actually be, as well as thinking that they aren't when they actually are. I think that having someone "else" to objectify displaces some of the uncertainty that comes with survival. Emotional displacement is a distraction from true awareness. To think less of anyone, or more of anyone for that matter, especially in a survival situation, is just plain...well I think it is a mistake! Having an open mind, and giving everybody equal status is essential to group cohesion, and ultimately to survival itself. Diversity does not necessarily mean "power struggle".
Bottom line: men and women get along just fine as long as there is mutual respect.
The Bell Curve says ignorance is normal.