Originally Posted By: OldBaldGuy
An MRE burger does sound pretty nasty, but as I have said here many a time, the worst MRE is better than the best C-ration...

I don't know about that perhaps it is was the ignorance of youth, or early onset dementia, but I seem to remember actually thinking a few of those Cs were alright.

I dug around a bit and found at:

Serves to refresh my memory but I still don't remember some of those menus.

Of those I remember the beefsteak, ham slices and spaghetti and meatballs were alright. Heavy trading to get those.

The turkey loaf and boned chicken weren't bad taste-wise but they resembled alien life forms. They could be profitably stirred into a stew-like dish to escape the visual effect.

The chopped ham and eggs, beans and wieners, meatballs and beans were pretty bad but hunger and the indiscriminate taste buds of youth allowed them to serve.

As I remember it the ham and Lima beans were pretty much universally reviled.

Unfortunately, the supply chain being what it was, as cases of rations were transfered from unit to unit they were picked over and the best meals extracted. By the time rations got to the field the beefsteak was gone and most of what was left were ham and lima beans. Usually referred to by a somewhat more colorful colloquialism.

Canned cheeseburgers. Jebus ... I don't know. Minor miracle if they can pull it off and make it come out looking like the picture and tasting right. I have my doubts.

Seems to me that there may be no food that is so good, wholesome and perfect that some fool can't stuff it into a can and convert it into a tragic parody of its original form and taste. The topper, and ultimate insult, being that they will call it "progress".