Pretty common problem. I use a lot of various forms of tape on my job.

First, high quality duct tape, any type tape for that matter, has better adhesive. The exposed sides may stick a little bit but much less than with the cheap stuff and it doesn't smear and spread like the stick-um on the cheap stuff.

In fact most of these problems come from the cheap adhesive used on cheap tape. Adhesive that softens and liquefies in time and squeezes out the the side of the roll. Quality adhesive doesn't soften, smear or migrate.

To get high quality duct tape try the big-box hardware stores. Home Depot usually has a better selection than Lowe's or the small stores catering to home owners and DIYers. A full roll of the good stuff will go for about $12. The cheap stuff about $4.

Or you can just find a roll of Gorilla brand duct tape. Good stuff but expensive. The code-rated stuff used by contractors are much more a bargain.

Second, if you keep it on a roll it is easy to put a piece of wax paper on either side of the roll and slip the whole thing into a zip-lock. A durable alternative is to use a small stuff sack. These are easy enough to stitch up even if you have to sew it by hand. The toe an old sock will work.

If your tape