Originally Posted By: Chisel
Does anyone know of online sources about economic survival : what to do in a recession or depression ? How do you manage finances in high inflation and such ?


Managing finances always starts with spending less than you earn or have. Then it progresses to stocking up with what you think you'll need and what will work. Stored food, stored currency, and money in the bank ( perhaps in various forms) go a long way toward peace of mind in uncertain times. Even camping gear is rightly regarded as a resource for hard (really hard!) times.

How to do well in varying conditions is the topic of endless discussions and you have many choices of "style" in advice ranging from buying and stocking a bunker in Montana to day-trading your way to millions this very afternoon. Nobody knows for sure because nobody knows for sure what will actually happen.

I find that the writers featured on this site: http://www.financialsense.com/ provide a good variety of viewpoints though they are not very specific on what mix of investments to have.
They do provide perspective on what's happening that is much more thoughtful and fact-based than what you get from TV.

In fact, as a rule, you should ignore what you get from TV because it might be disinformation and have resemblance to old time cowboys singing to the livestock as they rode around the restless herd at night....