Hey Stretch, I'm not saying that a just sharp enough axe won't cut you, it will just do less damage than a razor sharp axe. My main point is don't put a really sharp axe in the hands of someone who has not been trained how to use it.

I guess that we are talking about definitions of sharp. To my mind there is Shaving sharp, Very sharp, sharp enough to do the job, not sharp enough to do the job--- aka Dull, and very dull meaning it should have been sharpened long ago. Sharp enough to do the job won't go through jeans and flesh as easily as Shaving sharp, where you won't feel it as it slices through an artery.

This is coming from a knifemaker who likes to have all his knives shaving sharp and considers a slightly less sharp knife, kitchen or otherwise, as a tool which is very dangerous to the user.

A person learning good knife habits will learn what not to do by cutting themselves a few times. We do not have that luxury with an axe.

If one insists on using a razor sharp axe when inexperienced, at least have someone show you how to do it and point out some of the mistakes that can be very damaging. Five minutes of instruction can save much trouble down the road.

Edited by Macgyver (01/28/08 01:52 AM)