The Librum has all these and more.
![eek eek](/images/graemlins/default/eek.gif)
There goes my weekend.
The Arts of Tanning, Currying, and Leather Dressing: Theoretically Considered in All Their Details. 1852
The Art Of Tanning And Of Currying Leather. (repair) 1773.
An Historical Sketch of Bookbinding. 1893
The Art of Tanning Leather By David H. Kennedy - 1857
American Cookery. 1798
American Woman's Home. 1869
The Ideal Bartender. 1917. 1,759,384 bytes.
Miss Beechers Domestic Receipt Book. 1850
The Blue Grass Cook Book. 1904
The Boston Cooking School Cook Book. 1896.
Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea. 1875.
Cooking in Old Creole Days. 1904.
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes. 1780.
Common Sense in the Household. 1873.
The Complete Cook. 1864.
The Complete Confectioner. 1864.
Directions for Cookery in its Various Branches. 1840.
Dishes and Beverages of the Old South. 1913.
Domestic Cookery. 1869.
The American Economical Housekeeper. 1815.
The Encyclopedia of Foods and Beverages. 1911.
Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent. 1905.
What Mrs Fisher Knows about Old Southern Cooking. 1881.
The Frugal Housewife or Complete Woman Cook. 1803.
The Frugal Housewife. 1830.
The Good Housekeeper. 1839.
The Great Western Cook Book. 1857.
Henriette Davidis' Practical Cook Book. 1897.
The Hotel Saint Francis Cook Book. 1919.
Hotel Keepers, Head Waiters, and Housekeepers Guide. 1848.
The House Servant's Directory. 1827.
Jennie June's American Cookery Book. 1870.
The Lady's Receipt Book. 1847.
The Lady's New Book of Cookery. 1852.
The Market Assistant. 1867.
The Cook Not Mad.1831.
The Practical Housekeeper.1857.
Mrs Rorer's New Cook Book. 1902.
Seventy Five Receipts for Pastry Cakes and Sweetmeats. 1832.
A New System of Domestic Cookery. 1807.
The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy.. 1784
The Virginia Housewife. 1838.
The Young House Keeper.1846.
Amateur Gardencraft: A Book for the Home-maker and Garden Lover . 1912
The Amateur's Practical Garden-book. 1900
The American Flower Garden Directory. 1839
The American Gardener's Assistant. 1867
The American Home Garden. 1859
Backyard Composting 1975
Basic Soil Improvement 1983, 3,397,091 bytes
The Beginner's Garden Book. by Allen French - 1922
The Chronicle of a Cornish Garden. 1901
The Clergy-man's Recreation. 1714
Colour in the Flower Garden. 1908
Common Sense Gardens: How to Plan and Plant Them. 1906
Continuous Bloom in America. 1915
The Cottager's Calendar of Garden Operations. 1851
Cyclopedia of American Horticulture Vol I. 1902
Cyclopedia of American Horticulture Vol II. 1902
Cyclopedia of American Horticulture Vol IV. 1902
The English Gardener. 1833
Environmentally Sound Small-scale Forestry Projects. 1973.
Every Man His Own Gardener. 1832
What the Farmer should know about Biological Warfare. 1959.
The Farmer's Dictionary. 1854
Firewood Crops 1980
The Flower Garden. 1856
Flower Gardening 1913
Folious Appearances: A Consideration on Our Ways of Lettering Books. 1854
Forest Farming 1984.
A Book about the Garden and the Gardener. 1892
The Garden Month by Month. 1907
A Garden with House Attached. 1904
The Garden, You and I. 1906
Gardener's & Farmer's Reason Why. 1860
The Gardeners and Florists Dictionary. 1724
The Gardeners Dictionary. Vol I. 1754
The Gardeners Dictionary. Vol II. 1754
The Gardeners Dictionary. Vol III. 1754
The Gardeners Kalendar. 1792
Gardening for Better Nutrition. 1978.
Gardening for Pleasure. 1884.
Gardening for Women. 1908
The Gentleman and Gardener's Kalendar. 1821
Gleanings in Old Garden Literature. 1892
Growing Gardening Seeds. 1983
A Practical Guide to Garden Plants . 1901
The Horticultural Review And Botanical Magazine. 1854
How the Garden Grew. 1900
How to Grow More Vegetables. 1982
How to Make Fertilizer
Hydroponics. 1959.
In My Lady's Garden. 1908
Intensive Gardening for Profit and Self Sufficiency. 1978.
Little Gardens for Boys and Girls. 1910
The Making of a Flower Garden. 1919
Manual of Gardening. 1916
My Growing Garden. 1915
My Own Garden, Or, The Young Gardener's Year Book. 1855
The New American Gardener. 1842
New Improvements of Planting and Gardening. 1718
Paxton's Magazine of Botany, and Register of Flowering Plants. 1836
Planting and Ornamental Gardening. 1785
The Practical Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion: With a Calendar. 1857
The Practical Garden-book. 1900
The Seasons in a Flower Garden. 1906
Short Rotation Forestry. 1976
Small Farm Weed Control. 1982
Small Scale Irrigation. 1979
The Fruit Garden. 1857
The Garden: 1902. 1902
The Garden: 1903. 1903
The Gardeners' Dictionary. 1877
The Nursery Manual 1922
The Shakespeare Garden 1922
The Toilet of Flora: Or, A Collection of the Most Simple and Approved. 1779
Town and Window Gardening: Including the Structure, Habits, and Uses of 1879
Villa Gardens: How to Plan and how to Plant Them. 1902
A Barefoot Doctor's Manual 1974
A Medical Laboratory For Developing Countries 1973
Aidmans Medical Guide FM 8-36 1973, 8,756kb
Doctor Chase's Recipes. 1864.
Dental Specialist FM 8-225. 1984.
The Druggist's General Receipt Book...Perfumery and Cosmetics. 1878
Emergency War Surgery-NATO. 1977.
First Aid for Soldiers FM 21-11 1976
How to Make Basic Medical Equipment. 1979
Simple Dental Care for Rural Hospitals. 1971
Transportation of the Sick and Wounded FM 8-36. 1970
US Army Special Forces Medical Handbook ST 31-91B 1982, 20,553kb
Where there is no Dentist 1983, 17,303kb
Where there is no Doctor 1992, 55,513kb
The Art of Manufacturing Soap and Candles. 1867
The Art of Manufacturing Soaps, Including the Most Recent Discoveries. 1854
The Art of Perfumery, and the Methods of Obtaining the Odours of Plants. 1857
The Art of Perfumery, and the Methods of Obtaining the Odours of Plants. 1879
The Art of Soap-making: A Practical Handbook of the Manufacture of Hard and Soft Soaps. 1896
The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes. 1908
A Practical Guide for the Perfumer. 1868
Manual for the Essence Industry. 1916
A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap and Candles. 1888
A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Soaps. 1871
Odorographia: A Natural History of Raw Materials and Drugs Used in the Perfume Industry. 1894
THe Perfumer'S Legacy, Or, Companion To The Toilet. 1850
Perfumery it's Manufacture and Use. 1853
Soaps and Proteins: Their Colloid Chemistry in Theory and Practice. 1921
The Book of Perfumes. 1867
A Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap and Candles, Lubricants and Glycerin 1895
Barnacle Parp's Chainsaw Guide 1977
Draft Horse Primer. 1977.
Employment of Draught Animals in Agriculture. 1972.
Farm and Garden Rule-book. 1911
Foxfire I. 1972.
Foxfire II. 1973.
Foxfire III. 1975.
Foxfire IV. 1977.
Foxfire V. 1979.
Foxfire VI. 1980.
Journal of New Alchemists 1 1973
Journal of New Alchemists 2 1976
Journal of New Alchemists 3 1976
Journal of New Alchemists 4 1977
Journal of New Alchemists 5 1979
Keeping Livestock Healthy. 1985
Mini Technology 2 1983,
Mini Technology 1978.
Permaculture 2. 1979
Practical Poultry Production. 1981
Rabbit Production. 1982
Raising Goats for Meat and Milk 1985,
Raising Rabbits 1983(?)
Sheep Health Handbook. 1983
Soft Tech 1983
The Backyard Dairy Book. 1975.
The Book of Geese. 1981.
The Homesteader's Handbook for Raising Small Game 1974
Timber Drying Manual. 1974
Tools for Homesteaders, Gardeners, + Small Scale Farmers 1978