The difference with the Navy and other military organizations and a random group of five people is the presence of a strong command structure. As long as the command structure is sound the system works problems are minimal and everyone knows what the consequences of their actions are. However, in the case of a non-existent or flawed command structure, serious problems can develop. Another military example being the problems which occurred at the US Air Force Academy.
I also think its important to note that the situation would be guided as much by the woman's personality and actions as by the men's. A woman who was calm and impartial could keep the situation stable. A woman that decided to tease or play other members of the group against each other would create trouble that would probably end in blood shed.
I agree that military personnel are trained and equipped to the point that what would be a survival situation for a group of random individuals, would be mere exercise.
But just to put things into perspective I have changed woman to man: 'A man who was calm and impartial could keep the situation stable. A man that decided to tease or play other members of the group against each other would create trouble that would probably end in blood shed.' It reads the same either way. Emotional manipulation is not limited to sexuality.
I think that if people feel that they have time/energy to "play" sex/power games with each other, they either aren't in a survival situation or they don't know they are.
That game show is not what survival is all about.
True survival brings people together. Only fools choose to live their lives dividing into waring factions, or fighting over "the females", and only idiots limit themselves to having no choice. Survival precedes "living", and living is about compromise and cooperation, not "I'm gonna get you sucka'!"
Maybe a bit off topic, but anyway, LOL.