Yep, pompously facetious would be the appropriate term.

I tell you what does chap my hide, though. Back home they have huge herds of elk that live in an "ecologically sensitive" area that is off limits not just for hunting, but for any human incursion. Now, this herd was introduced by the government quite a few years ago, and they've been multiplying steadily until it's obvious now that there are far too many, and the damage they are doing to the "ecologically sensitive" area is of great concern. So the feds, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the herd needed to be culled down to a more appropriate number. Now you would think that this would mean they would open the area up to a very limited hunting season with restrictions on access and egress to foot traffic only. Not so. Instead, they brought in a number of US F&W agents and took SUVS, 4x4s and helicopters into the area and killed the requisite number of animals. Then they gave some of the carcasses to the local indian tribes and destroyed the rest.
I ask you, how could a bunch of paid government employees driving to a fro cause less damage to an arid shrub and grass covered hillside than a handful of hunters hiking or with a few horses, and why couldn't the meat at least have been given to the local food bank or some such, rather than just burying it? And the worst of it is we paid these clowns to do this.
BTW, some of your statements are throwbacks to the 70s, but there are still idiots out there who think this way, just not the majority anymore, at least from my experience.
Oh yeah, and the farmers who live adjacent to this "ecologically sensitive" area are charging up to $10k for trophy elk hunts on their land, with the state allowing only a restricted number of permits to hunt their land that the farmers get to hand out as they please, because the farmers claim that the elk are destroying their property???? We're talking dryland wheat farmers who are receiving govt subsidy via CRP to grow native grass instead.