I read Cody Lundin's new book.
I found the psychological part in the beginning to be more interesting than most of the rest of it, which was (IMO) a rehash of most known ways to survive. Of course, picking up so much useful info here at the ETS site kind of makes the rest of his book redundant to me.
There were a couple of ideas in which the handling (for lack of a better term) was rather strange. The one that leaped out at me was his extremely brief of the SODIS method of water purification. SODIS is an easy, viable way to do that in some areas of the U.S., and he just kind of flitted right over it, without addressing the proper way to do it, or the geological and climatic limitations.
But if someone picked it up that is new to the idea of orchestrating your own survival, it would be useful and easy to understand. Most of the info was simple and was probably easy for Joe/Jane Average to understand and remember if needed.
I found those comic book characters very annoying, though.