Thanks for the invite. Doug has already listed my site in the retailer section of ETS and has already picked the colors of the kits I am sending for review. I am currently trying to complete a large order for a Spec Op's unit heading for the "sand box", so I'm kind of glad that Doug is so busy. I'm a small-time operation and I plan to stay that way. That is another reason I'm not marketing my butt off. I read a post a while back where you answered a question from someone who asked why you didn't start your own kit business and you had some valid points. It is a flooded market and it's tough making a profit. Thankfully, I don't rely on my business for income and I enjoy packing kits.

As for the question from Trusbx about how I cram everything in a belt... very carefully! Actually it's not that hard, but takes a little planning and prep. While I am in the process of getting a patent on my belt kit, I am not against giving my secrets to the little guy. I just don't want some large company getting rich off of my ideas. Anyone can feel free to contact me personally for tips on construction.

One way to free-up room in all kits is to replace the steel loops on a commando wire saw with gutted 550 cord. It decreases weight/space and makes it more comfortable to use. Another technique is to find multi-use items that replace several different items. I have never been big on these things, because most perform a lot of things, but perform none well. IN MY OPINION, the Victorinox Whistle Knife breaks this trend. Are there better knives, whistles, tweezers, scissors on the market? Yes, but this knife does it all with the least sacrifice. Most in this forum already know of the quality of Victorinox's products (no, I don't work for them, or purchase my knives directly from them). As Doug, Chris and numerous others have said: to get room for the things you want, you have to pick and choose carefully. The sacrifice was worth it to me, but may not be for others. The knife lists for $19.95, but can usually be found for under $14.00. For any other questions, contact me personally; I don't want to take up space sounding like a salesman.

To all others who have given me "thumbs-up" on my site, Thank you very much. It means a lot to me coming from people actually in the arena.
Take care, George