Dang, beat me to the ACME reference...
been a while since I've been out on coyote kong patrol. Always lots of fun to blow on a whistle, watch em come running in like it's their hood and all that, then smack them at 200 yards with a 55 grainer.
Yotes are a menace. They are impossible to control and interfere with proper conservation and wildlife management practices. At best you can hold them in check if you are diligent about it. They are slightly more desirable than cockroaches only because of their pelts.
As far as deer go, increase the number of hunters hunting them if you want to control their surplus population. In most states west of the Mississipi there aren't usually enough to go around, so they set bag limits and antler restrictions and so forth to keep the herds from dwindling. Out east here the hunting population isn't as intense so their regs are a lot more relaxed, if you can find property to hunt on that is. If I had me a place to hunt here in Florida worth a darn, I could possess up to 4 dead deer at any one time. The price is right, but I haven't found a public hunting area yet to try out.
Getting to be like that in a lot of places these days.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)