For me, I always follow the rule no good deed goes unpunished. When I was coming home from ROTC in college, I had my uniform on and it was snowy. There was a lady stuck in snow along the side of the road. I decided to stop and push her car out, hoping she would see an Army guy and not think I was insane.

I managed to get her car out and then went back to mine, only to find I was stuck! I eventually got out after about 5 solid minutes of trying. I had no survival bag or any warmer clothes than my ROTC stuff (basic BDUs). I was stupid, I know!

Today, I will not stop to help people. There is a caveat to it, though. If I feel that a woman (especially) or man is being threatened by another human, I feel it is my right and duty as a human to assist. I would want someone to do it for my daughter and wife, so I feel if I am ever faced with this, I would help. Bottom line, though, is it is better to dial 911 and let the pros do their work.

With the broken down car along the side of the road, you never know what you are getting into.

Good luck!