I am pretty new to all this, though a lifelong backpacker and outdoor oriented individual. I would like the board members help in assembling a "crash kit" to carry in my airplane on my frequent x-country flights, that take me over much unpopulated terrain between Twin Falls, Idaho and Chino, CA. I am usually either flying down through Nevada or a more populated Owens Valley. As a combat trained medic I have some pretty good ideas about medical supplies, (but still open to others suggestions) however in combat situations, comprehensive medical care isn't that far away. Military evac times improved greatly in Nam, and have continued to. A controlled crash in a remote area would mean no immediate evac, even with an EPIRB, and a rethinking of medical ideas. For instance in a combat unit, tourniquets are common, but they are not advised for any kind of protracted period of time. Medical aside, I have never given much thought to survival issues, shelter, nutrition/water, signaling, communication, and so much more. While there are survival kits out there for sale, ones I have seen are often stocked with items that make them appear to have lots of stuff, (some of relative value) but much of it I would not choose, or is a lesser quality than I would purchase. When all said and done, it needs to consider one person, a potential 5 days w/o help, fit into a relatively small backpack, and be within some reasonable weight as that is a function of reduction of useful load of the plane, and mobility once on the ground should I need to leave the crash site. Some help putting together a list would be greatly appreciated. This board has already been a valuable source in my lurker time of many good places to make purchases... I need to now make the choices and do the purchasing.
Some days it's just worth the trouble of trying to chew through the restraints...