I asked my doctor that, and she said "Well, waters good" grin .

Really though, I can eat almost anything, just need to watch a couple dozen food groups and avoid completely a few more. I still go out for burgers or tacos, I just cut out the cheese and sour cream. Really, some of the things aren't too bad, since they were only occasional foods anyways. For example, I've learned to love oatmeal raisin cookies for a treat instead of chocolate chip.

Visiting my parents in the summer kind of sucks, since they live smack dab in the middle of three different berry farms. If you've only had those berries they stock on shelves, not fresh picked, you don't know what kind of torture this is.

The hardest thing for me to quit was cheese, mostly on pizza. I had some real will power problems at first. I've quit cold turkey now. Still sucks when someone wants to go out or order in pizza, and I'm the only one eating a sandwich.