Oh wow, thanks for all the advice. I've never even heard of rice cheese or pea butter.

Responding down the line:

Ironraven: Whole grain foods are one of those limited items. I can eat them, but I shouldn't overdo them. The only real exception to this is rye bread and corn products, which I can have as much of as I want. I can also eat rice, and have heard of rice flour, but haven't experimented with it yet.

Billym: Thanks for the links.

Led: I really haven't considered alternatives to these foods before, I've pretty much just cut anything from my diet which had these foods. I'm going to have to look into these food alternatives and raw food diets. Thanks for that list. It gives me a big starting point to look into.

Mdinana: I love dehydrated fruit, especially pineapple and apple. I actually own a dehydrator, but it's at my parents house about 8 hours away. I've had a bunch of dehydrated fruit, and want to try dehydrating other foods for storage, like mushrooms or veggies. I've had trouble with ready made meals, because they usually contain something I'm not supposed to have. As for drinks, kool aid or iced tea mixes are not okay, but lemonade is. It's one of the few things besides water I can drink. Although I've gotten pretty used to drinking nothing but water, a little variety is always good.

My plan as of now: I'm going to pick up some pasta, rice, and a few more canned things for the time being. Maybe a jug of lemonade mix as well. I want to look more into these alternative foods(maybe I can actually eat brownies again wink )as well as look into getting some dehydrated foods I can eat. Once again, thanks for all the advice.