whats up with all the realtree hardwoods. You some kind of redneck? I guess alberta is the "texas" of Canada after all.
As you may have noticed if you have been following this forum, everyone here has different areas of expertise. Some members hike, some camp, some canoe and so forth. Each type of outdoor activity brings its own useful tips/info to the forum. As you may have guessed am in the Military and I hunt a lot so obviously my outdoor gear is either a uniform or geared toward hunting of some sort.(thus the real tree stuff)
I am not quite certain what criteria a person needs to meet to be a redneck as such. I have all my teeth, didn't marry a cousin and don’t have scrap cars all over my yard. I do have a big dog, drive a big truck and have a big collection of guns.(plus I wear real tree camo a lot) Do I qualify with those points I wonder?
![mad mad](/images/graemlins/default/mad.gif)
I don't know if this is Canada's Texas or not, but there are a lot of folks here who share my way of thinking.