When you measuring one product against another, there are many factors to consider other then just which light looks brighter, stronger with your eyes, the pretty case etc...

Consider this, you go out and buy the super duper x technology flashlight. First time you use it near small-town nowhere and the bulb(s) blow, get broken, lost etc. Go into the local hardware/gas station and ask for a replacement bulb....good luck. However, chances are the small-town hardware/gas station has mini-mags in stock and probably spare bulbs...along with parts for my Chev pickup but no parts for the import pickup parked outside and now waiting for parts to be shipped in at a very high cost.

Why do state this? This happened to me and my super duper x technology flashlight once upon a time in Carcross Yukon which is about in the middle of nowhere as it gets....

I learned my lesson and standardized on the AA mini mags (and now LED) lights since.