On behalf of the family and the Fire Service, I would like to thank each one of you for your thoughts and prayers. On Saturday, Alex received a well-deserved send off and celebration of his life. Hundreds of Fire Service and Law Enforcement personal along with a Marine Honor Guard and a couple of hundred family and friends met to honor this fine young man.
Fire/Rescue apparatus and personal was stationed at every intersection between the church and the cemetery (a 5 mile plus route), including the closure of US15 N, where individuals who ended being displaced for miles during the funeral possession, stood, many with hands and hats over hearts, small children saluting, giving the family much comfort.
FNP - Funeral Story Slide Show on right side of page
Next to the church where hundreds of Fire Service personal stood in the cold morning air was group of Cub, Weblos and Boy Scouts, there for another Scouting event, stood at attention while the casket was being loaded onto the engine for it’s trip to the cemetery.
While I am sure there were a few individuals who were upset at being “inconvenienced”, the vast majority of the people gave great respect for this home-town hero.
Thanks to all-