i did the same thing a couple years ago. I hadn't made it deer hunting in years and WV had a few days overlap between buck and doe season because the doe population was overpopulated that year so we went down then. Others in the family there had seem some deer but everyone was waiting for the big buck so no on had shot any in days. I never cared about horns, I just want the meat. Parents house in in a valley and there is a dirt trail up the side of the mountain to the rest of their farm. hopped in the truck and started to drive up on the farm and saw a doe about 1/2 way up, hopped out of the truck and laid the gun across the hood, shot it and loaded it up and went back down. My wife and mother were going to go shopping and hadn't even left the house yet and I was done. So I let my wife shoot my gun some before we took the deer up to check it in. Some of my cousins living there live for deer season, count down the days until the next one, save up their vacation for it, have automated feeders with motion activated digital cameras (one managed to find the memory card from one with pictures of a bear destroying it), have super expensive guns in fancy cases that you hear the air seal pop when they unlatch them and went away empty handed while I hunted for a whole five minutes with an old youth rifle dad bought my from Kmart when I turned 13.
I don't like the idea of sport hunting myself. To me that is just wasteful, I don't fish because of this either because fish seems to upset my stomach so I don't want to do the sport catch and release. I never squirrel hunted after disliking the taste of my first squirrel (greasy mess). The little 20 gauge barrel for that youth gun sat on the rack for around 20 years until I bought a clay thrower and use it for that now. But when I was growing up on the farm those deer would come in and eat our garden and crops so when we hunted it was getting back what they took from us, just in a different form