You know OBG, as much as I regret to in this case, I am compelled to agree with you. It is a very sad statement that public schools must have such a rule and others like it, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the practicality of the thing, but from a wholly litigious point of view, it simply can be no other way now.

Nonetheless, such a rule would do absolutely nothing to prevent any child or grandchild of mine from continuing to carry a knife or other self defense implement with them to school. They will simply no longer use it in public except for certain conditions when such a rule is irrelevent. It will remain that way until the public school system can guarantee unequivically my children's safety. I am not too worried about that happening anytime soon either. I am worried that someday they may be compelled to submit to a search of their person/possessions, which they will refuse, whether they have a knife or not. Lord help the person who physically forces my kin to submit, for I will show no mercy on that day.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)