There isn't much that's going to go head-on with an F-350 and win.

It happened on a ramp? How much room do you have to maneuver? Not much.

It would be interesting if someone from the area would keep us posted on the results of this. I would suspect that this wasn't the killer's first time drunk in a vehicle.

Even if you were totally focused on your driving, surroundings, weather, road conditions, and watching ahead, when someone comes at you at a high rate of speed, about all you can do is try to get out of the way. And if there's no place to go...

The sad thing is that the killer will probably spend minimal time in jail, despite the fact that this is worse than having a couple of joints in your pocket or having consensual sex with a teenager.

He'll be out there soon, aiming for someone else. Him and quite a few more like him. This is America... it's an entitlement, isn't it?
