
My major plans over the next six months involve only one thing, house renovations!

It could be said that this is not part of Survival Prepardness but in my case it is. I need to turn one end of my basement into organized storage for all my outdoor/survival/prepardness items (what my DW calls junk) so I can find the things I want easily when I need them.

I also promised my DW to redecorate (paint, refurnish) our vacant livingroom on the main level once the Christmas tree and toys are put away. This activity also involves prepardness as the gas fireplace my spouse wants installed will be a second home heat source during power failures.

Come summer I will have contractors quote on replacing the siding on the house, it is 22 years old and showing it's age.

I will be very busy instructing our local youth group throughout the winter/spring so I figure most of my personal outdoor time will be spent with them.

Never enough time to do everything,
