Originally Posted By: JCWohlschlag
Originally Posted By: Chris Kavanaugh
Ahem----- Since the Ritter and Kavanaugh households each include cats I would have a care suggesting they be targets.Piewacket Kavanaugh is already demanding I send PMs threatening banning.

No worries… was just pointing that in Blast’s case, it could be self defense. eek Besides, I have a cat of my own as well, so of course I would never do such a thing.

And just out of curiosity, how the heck did you come up with Piewacket as a name for your cat? The best I could come up with for my Himalayan is Bandit… (coming from the creative mind who named his iguana “Iggy”).

IIRC Piewacket is the name of a Siamese cat in the movie Bell, Book and Candle...

Growing up, we had a Siamese named Piewacket...

Today seemed to be about me annoying my wife with superior preparedness... I made a point of offering a Charge or a Wave when opening toys. I also made a point of holding it up in front of the video camera...that I was operating, and saying "Sounds like you need...the right tool for the job." I suppose by the time we got to Grandma and Grandpa's, it got old. But I shredded through those plastic coated wires and clear bands that have a death hold on the toys...
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)