Since so many of you are bloodthirsty...
Peeling him off the wall.
Starting to go bad...
At this point Shine had just sunk his rear claws and one set of front claws into my arm. A second later he managed to bite down on my finger hard enough that two of his fangs hit bone. Misseswether tried spraying him in the face with water to make him let go while I, uh, taught DD1 a new word...
He finally dropped off and DW cleaned my wounds with copious amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Meanwhile DD1 got to hear the previous bad word used as verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns and in one inspired outburst, as a conjunction linking it together as a series of direct objects...
Shine was still coated in soap but there was no way in hell I'd get him back in the tub. We wrapped him in a towel and put him in our shower.

Sad little kitty...powered by the devil!

Do you think he's plotting his revenge?

DW does a great job of bandaging, but judging from the swelling and bright purple colors radiating out from the wounds I'm off to see my doctor tomorrow.
Friggin cat.
p.s. Susan, you were right. I combed through the cats fur this evening and saw many live fleas pointing and laughing at me.