Originally Posted By: cxrc
So does anyone else have this problem, or am I just really weird?

Welcome! I think to some degree we'll all have that 'problem' and while I can't tell if you're weird wink from your post I do think you raise a legitimate question. My basic operating principal is I buy stuff to use. Generally I buy mid-priced stuff of good quality. My problem is I tend to buy a lot of it. Do I really need to EDC 4 LED lights? No, but redundancy is good, right?

If you buy a tool you shouldn't worry about using it. If it's a good tool and you use it the way it should be used, then it's doing the job for which it was made. If you buy a tool for its future collector's value then don't ever take it out of the box.

Bottom line, use but don't abuse.
In a crisis one does not rise to one's level of expectations but rather falls to one's level of training.