I think Eugene had a good point in a post under Bugout backpack:

"A documentary on someone shows what I'm trying to illustrate, that the amount people are successful at living off the land like that is little enough that it becomes news/story/documentary/movie/legend worthy. One in a thousand might attempt it and then one in one thousand will be successful.
If your really planning on [that] type of bug out, have a cabin already built and stocked."

The documentary he refered to was Dick Proenneke, (Alone in the Wilderness, DVD. http://www.dickproenneke.com/) I believe.

If bugging out is even a possibility I agree with Eugene that having a community cabin "retreat" is probably your best bet for surviving long term. Also having experience with that area and how to "harvest" from it in all seasons would be ideal.


Edited by Nemo (12/20/07 05:56 AM)
You must be the change you wish to see in the world - MK Gandhi