Hi, I'm new here...

After many months of reading equipment recommendations and reviews on this site and others; as well as penny pinching and working my butt off to raise the money to buy the gear - I finally invested in some nice top-of-the-line goodies for my EDC, work, and recreational travel kits.

However, I've now found myself unwilling to use a lot of the items for fear of scratching and banging them up. For example, I paid almost $400 for a sebenza - but I simply could not bring myself to use it for anything other than showing it off to co-workers. I even freaked out when my little brother asked to borrow it to peel an orange during a hiking trip. I ended up selling the thing and replacing it with a spyderco delica. And it's not only with the knife - same thing happened with flashlights, watch, space pen...even the portable stove. So does anyone else have this problem, or am I just really weird?