Wasn't the Roman Centurian dressed in essentially an oversized tunic that hung like a dress beneath his girding belt? I don't think those were knee length either. Then there's the buckskin breeches that injun braves wore with no seat in them. Last Pow Wow I went to, the Council leader was wearing a pair and I had to shush my daughters from giggling every time he turned around. Then there's the old butt-flap version that some southwestern tribes favored for the "breathability".

Anytime I've worn my synthetics it's been so hot, even in drier climates, that the sweat I generate keeps the static down. On those occasions where it isn't, I found a little fabric softener applied to the soles of my shoes to just about rid me of static cling.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)