So, there I was in Rota Air Base, Spain in January of 2000. My DW and kids are back in New Jersey during a really nasty winter event (even for Jersey it was bad). I make a morale call back to previously-mentioned DW to see how things are going. She informs that she "brought in a stray kitty because it looked so cold." My reply: "Fine!!, it stays off my chair. (I too am master of the house. The problem is the house for me consists of a single chair.) If I get skin or breathing problems from it ( I am allergic to cats) she has to take it to the pound (it is not a "no-kill" shelter). I did use another term that begins with a capital "A" of WWII notariety, but for sensitivity sake I said pound. Anyway, almost eight years later, two moves and two dogs added to the mix, the $%^&*% cat is still with us. It lives in our master suite because it is such a space cadet that it is afraid of everything. Stinkin' cat!!! I feel for you guys.

Edited by MoBOB (12/15/07 04:24 PM)
"Its not a matter of being ready as it is being prepared" -- B. E. J. Taylor