Afte reading the Accident Trauma Kit post, I finally got around to getting my vehicle FAK up. Mind you, I've been an EMT for 10 years, so please use common sense if you decide there's things "you just have to have!" Also, in advance, I have a few blankets and flares in my car, seperate from this kit.
The bag was bought at an EMS conference about 10 years ago. It's a small duffel, with 2 side pouches. The ends are "pouches" that are seperated from a central compartment. The kit also came with a nylon roll with elastic loops for holding gauze rolls, as well as a flat piece that velcro's to the top of the central compartment for holding airways. Made of a nice-quality Cordura-type orange nylon. From the top, working clockwise: CPR pouch, the bigger CPR end compartment, glove pouch, and the trauma end compartment. The middle compartment is overflow/extra stuff.

The CPR pouch has a pocket CPR mask, 1 locking Buck knife, 1 pair of trauma shears, and 1 10-cc syring. I used to have a turkey baster as a poor-man's suction device, but it got lost somewhere.

The bigger airway pouch has an Ambu-bag, 10 triage tags, 1 pair goggles, and a handful of Vioxx hand sanitizer wipes.

Glove pouch contains 1 ziplock of latex gloves, and 1 ziplock of trauma gloves (thicker, longer latex gloves). No pic.

The trauma pouch has 2 abd pads, 2 vaseline gauze pads, 1 triangle bandage, 1 pair of goggles, 1/2 roll of tape, 3 Kerlix (gauze rolls), 2 surplus/military trauma bandages and a ziploc of 4x4's

The center pouch is a "restock" and "extra supplies" function. From the top right, the orange roll:
Orange nylon roll with 6 guaze rolls
1 pediatric and 1 adult adjustable Cervical collar
2 burn towels
3 military trauma bandages
7 abd pads
1 set of oropharyngeal airways (the green curvy things)
3 angiocaths (the IV was used and never replaced)
2 triangle bandages
1 eye pad
2 ace wraps
Ziploc of 4x4's, some sterile gauze
Cheapie bandage compress and wire splint
2 rolls tape
1 sterile Kerlix
1 stethoscope (no BP cuff planned)