" The Walt Disney idea that they "magically" know which animals to cull because of their ESP is utter nonsense. "

I don't know what this means.

" Managed herds do much better than when they are left alone. "

I guess it all depends on what you mean by better.

" We use guns because God gave us the brains to make them. "

Guns were invented to give people the advantage in war. Their use for hunting is secondary. God doesn't have anything to do with our invention of guns, but Satan might.

" (knives are a modern tool also) "


" who cares? "

I stalk animals for the challenge and because I love outdoors. I can get so close I can touch them, including deer. I think it is funny that people who hunt with guns feel challenged. It is a personal thing. If I were hungry I would kill with my gun, probably at the first deer I saw. I am every bit the opportunist you are, believe me. But I would not pride myself on how much of a hunter I am because I can pull the trigger. For me, hunting is much more than killing an animal for meat. Hunting is a philosophy and a skill set that no man can master in his lifetime.
Don't give me that bull about how hunters aren't out to prove anything. A successful hunt is reason to celebrate and increases the status of men in every culture. It has always been the icon activity for men, and how they prove themselves to be skilled and of value to the community. I think that if you don't understand this, then you have strange ideas about human nature in general as well as about hunters.

The Bell Curve says ignorance is normal.