Originally Posted By: Taurus

I don't know what the roads are like where you are, but on some of the long isolated stretches of road I travel on( especially in winter) accidents usually involve smashed, overturned vehicles which have hit black ice and either hit another vehicle head on, or skidded off the road to hit a tree or slide down an embankment. On any Canadian Highway there are frequent collisions with Moose or deer and these are normally very serious if not fatal.

For the most part, I worked in an urban environment. I did a few calls out in the sticks, but like OBG, I was in California. So weather concerns weren't usually an issue. And I've never worked an auto-vs-moose wink But a wreck is a wreck, with many similar concerns. I'm glad that others have echo'd what I said, that keeping the person from moving is usually the best course if you're by yourself. After all, the first thing you'll learn in your First Responder course is SCENE SAFETY. Probably in those exact words. So in addition to hurting the patient, you don't want to throw your back out either...

Anyway, I'm probably going to start beating a dead horse here in a second. Hopefully I didn't offend; if so, my apologies.

I'm actually in the midst of taking pictures of my car FAK, so hopefully it'll be up in a few hours, and we can stimulate some more pros/cons of kits.