It seems my knowledge of aqua tainers is quite limited. I am only familiar with the 7 gallon variety. Looks like I have some more portable options available! I'll be checking into that as soon as I hit "submit"
Most of our stored water is in the 7 gallon 'tainers. These are stored on a rack in the basement. I have not upped our stock since our one year came into our lives... but before our baby, we had enough for two weeks, plus one 'tainer to use every we would always have at least the two weeks worth plus what we are currently using. I am the only one who can move them in the family, so the intent is to use them for bugging in. We keep bottled water on another shelf in the basement. Conveniently, each 20 pack of bottled water is about a three day supply for one person. The weight is manageable for my wife, and I remind her often that if they need to bug out and I'm not around that she needs to load up those packs of water.
I fill up my daily water bottles from those big 'tainers so I keep rotating the stock. We're moving in late winter or early spring, and my plan is to have one of those water softeners/drinking water systems put in, so I'm not sure how that rotation will work...I'll be too lazy to go get the water from the basement instead of the spigot next to the tap.
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)