Originally Posted By: hamilton

I realize the topic was about barter goods, but I don't see how that automatically equates to black helicopters, anymore than talking about defending your home using a shotgun equates to fortifying your compound.
I can see that these topics can drift in that direction, but I thought that

It's not that it can drift, it's that is always does eventually. Every time, all the time.

I'm willing to admit bartering is harmless enough, and I like the idea of it. I'm even of the opinion that gasoline and toilet paper are worth far more than gold and ammo in an emergency situation.

Again, I killed the thread because it had all the indicators of going off the rails. Was I hasty? Sure. Was the topic sure to drift? No, it wasn't, however, you'll note that it was 3:54 AM, I was just back from a messy truck wreck and perhaps I was not in the best of moods. Banter on barter all you like, I'll back down a bit. Flaggers - and you know who you are - lighten up a bit. But no black helicopters or trilateral commission. Please.