I have had similar experiences to many of these. Falling limbs don't "snap" or "pop," when they break off, they BOOM!!! I've never been in a warzone, but that's what I thought of with the intermittent concussion sounds going off for days.

Those big, thick, sheets of ice can also slide off roofs. When your car begins to warm inside or even when your dark roof shingles begin to warm - KA-BOOM! Those sheets of ice are big, heavy, SHARP, and deadly. The most dangerous time is as things start to melt. In my town, one big chunk of ice came off the tower at one of the TV stations and went right through the roof of the station like a rocket. (no one was hurt)

Heat remains my biggest challenge. I have a fireplace, but I live in a townhouse (all electric), so storing large amounts of firewood - or even lots of kerosene for a stove, is not feasible. I've never met a "Duraflame" log yet that would last for more than 2 - 2 1/2 hours, no matter what the label said.