I was in the heart of the 1998 ice storm. There had been many deadly accidents of trees falling. Even walking downtown near high rise building was a hazard and if I remember, they closed some streets for that reason.

I was really worried about the trees that were all bent and breaking. It was a surrealistic apocalyptic vision. But actually nature has an amazing capacity to recover.

One lesson I learned is to stock up on candles before such an event happens. There was quickly a candle shortage and merchant quadrupled the prices. Same for batteries, firewood, gasoline and other goods. We would rage that no one should be permitted to profit from the misery of others...

Living in a studio, I had to bug out to join relatives that had a fireplace. But sometimes it was a better idea to join a public shelter because many fireplaces where not designed to withstand a constant use like that and their home caught on fire.