Just another take on the subject- the Gerber LST is the smallest lockblade that I've ever developed any affection for. It's three and a half inches closed, very, very flat (without the belt clip attached) but has a very comfortable grip. It's much lighter than a common pocket knife of the same size at 1.3 oz. It's a little workhorse that's impressively sturdy for it's size, and it fits even in the small tobacco/Altoids/Windmill Lighter size tins without going diagonally. It doesn't have the fine fit and finish of high-end production knives- the feel is "factory", but it's smooth and locks solidly, and it can be found for under $20. If even that's too big or heavy, Gerber makes two even smaller and lighter versions, the Ultralight LST and Microlight LST.<br><br>http://www.gerberblades.com/gerberlegendaryblades.html?06009<br><br>Obviously, putting a "real" knife inside a kit this size means leaving something else out, even if it's extra tinder or pills. Personally, I think a knife is that important.<br><br>