Last week, I ordered myself an Edgepro Apex knife sharpener. It arrived this AM, and I've sharepend a few knives. First impression is that it's made very well, and it works - the knives came out shaving sharp with very little effort

Now - some back story. I probably have more knife sharpening gear than the average knife sharpening shop. From synthetic stones, a set of 5-6 water stones, a belt grinder (currently broken) and 3 grinders setup with 6 different wheels, and a sharpmaker.

So why a new sharpener? My waterstones probably do the BEST job of sharpening, but to break them out, soak them, set them up, and sharpen a knife is a LOT of work, so I have a tendency NOT to do so, until my knives are too dull for my taste (exception - I always keep my EDC razor sharp). The grinders (belt and wheel) are out in the garage, and usually burried under "stuff" so they are a pain to use. Don't really like my oils stones, and they have the same problem as the water stones. If I'm going to break out the oil stones, for most uses, I'll use the water stones

The problem is with things like kitchen knives - I like plain edge steak knives for every day useage at the table, and it's a pain to keep them sharp with the sharpmaker - it's just TOO slow. I use it to touch up the EDC knife, and the Chefs knives, but the rest of the kitchen knives tend to sit around until they are very dull, and I get fed up, fire up the grinders while soaking the water stones and then work from there

I wanted something that was faster than the sharpmaker, tended NOT to round the points, and was easier to setup and break down

So far, the Edgepro Apex seems to fit the bill - going from "butterknife dull" to "I can shave with it) took me about 15 minutes per knife - running from the 120, all the way up to the 800 on each knife. Not too bad considering the shape they were in, and I'll tend to KEEP them sharp with the easy setup.

73 de KG2V
You are what you do when it counts - The Masso