Hey I'm not criticising anyone. This thread is a good idea; just pointing out it's open ended.
Coming to think of it there were even other multiple uses for 'the pure survival' items in Dougs kit.

For a pre arranged signal if you get split up anywhere even the shopping mall
Rape alarm
Dog signal
Heard of someone ending a dispute over a bill by simply blowing a whistle.
Weapon; but then practically anything can; hit them end on; it's harder than your hand. This is the answer to the 'how to use a flashlight as a weapon' question if you have a small torch too. Don't carry a kubotan it has only one purpose - a weapon.

A mini maglite is 'but of course I walk through the car park with it in my hand officer, it has my car keys on it. Really? people use them as weapons? I never knew'.

Blinding someone
Weapon: slice them with it, or if the mirror is glass break it first and slash.

Test if something is a magnet
Test if something is iron or steel
Watch; by using the 'use your watch as a compass' trick in reverse.

One of the best examples I saw of lateral thinking was when a friends lights turned off in his car. He pressed the switch and the lights stayed on while he kept it pressed. Did he have to drive like that all the time? No; he simply peeled off a post it pad from the dash and used that to stick the switch down :-)

On the theme of the uses of a spare sock:

The best use ever for a sock/stocking will be on the 25th of this month. Anyone wants to disagree, please take this up with your relatives under 10....

The Sock
The world is in haste and nears its end – Wulfstan II Archbishop of York 1014.