I have an Eliminator powerbox 800 and solar panel charger from Moto master which I purchased from Canadian tire a few years back. To offer an alternative source of power for people who do not, or cannot have a generator where they live (in an apartment for example) this is one good way to make do during a blackout. It has 3 house hold outlets, a built in light and a built in radio. In a power outage, it can run almost any appliance for varying times, depending on power output of the device, and the model of Eliminator you choose. It also comes equipped with jumper cables to give your vehicle a boost when the battery dies. For an extended power outage it can be recharged via a solar panel (sold separate) or by your vehicle while running through the cig lighter. It has a lot of non emergency applications as well. I often use mine to run my Dremel tool or a power drill etc when too far from the house to bother with an extension cord. When hunting it always stays in my truck for a whole gambit of possible uses while afield. It does not offer all the advantages of a generator in some ways, but in some cases it actually offers more (does not require fuel, more portable, able to be used indoors etc) I have a generator but have not had to use it yet due to power outage in Edmonton. In the few small outages we have had this has been more than enough to get me through until the power is back on.
Some things I use it for during an outage include:
1. Charging my cell phone.
2. Running my laptop if I need it.
3. Plugging in my alarm clock so I won’t be late for work.
4. As a safe alternative to a candle, (it will power a fluorescent bulb forever)
The list could go on forever of course, but you get the point. For those of you who cannot have a generator, this may be the answer until something better comes along. Best of all, they are very affordable. These are just my thoughts on the subject as always. I am sure that they have other products out there that do similar things.


Edited by Taurus (12/06/07 11:42 PM)