Pretty basic, as far as bear myths go; but yeah, all valid.

I agree with you: I am respectful of bears, and walk with a high degree of awareness, but I don't stay out of the woods. In fact, their presence makes me a little more alive as I walk; I'm more immersed in the landscape and the experience. To me, wild bears are a true symbol of wilderness. If you want to visit true wilderness, expect the possibility of bears in the area. Otherwise, drive to the mall and go a-shopping.

It's worth noting that extensive efforts are taken in Canadian Parks to keep bears truly wild. I support that wholeheartedly; my camps are a model of 'bear discipline.' Bears outside the parks can be a mixed bag, since they can be exposed to sloppily-disposed-of human garbage and non-natural food sources. A habituated bear can become a very serious problem, because their behaviour is less predictable.