Greetings AskDaMice and welcome to ETS,

I find your gear interesting in the amount of leather you use for pouches/scabbards. I feel the same way about trusting to leather more than synthetics for such tasks.

I also own a long glass and have neglected it for several years, leaving it behind on my camping trips.

Because of your post, I have reevaluted my long glass & have decided that it should be in my ALICE (camping) pack but I will keep my small binoculars in my BoB.

I also rely on the Swiss/German Mess kit along w/2 US Army canteen cups for cooking, but I have also been known to bring my US Army Mess kit along as well.

I still put a higher priority on using equipment that I'm familiar with versus trying to shave weight here and there.

The best luck is what you make yourself!