If the best survival knife is 'the one you have on you' I shudder at what I've seen used in the field for 'survival rifles.' Brooks Range Alaska homesteaders favour misurp Mauser 98s with factory loadings notoriously underpowered in a equally notorious cartridge for reloading. In much of South America the single shot shotgun is king, and so deadly compared to indigenous weapons many arboreal species are in danger as much from native hunters as clearcutting.But the firearms industry would have us believe only the new wunder cartridge will do in it's proprietory new launching package. Several years past Marlin came out with the 'guide gun' a miserable carbine version of their .45-70 with visions of stopping all those killer bears in league with pagan biker gangs to devour any and all outside of Area 51 where Steve Fossey no doubt encountered a UFO and is talking with TBF Avenger pilots.I lost track of all the self proclaimed 'guides' who felt obligated to buy one, replete with personal stories of stopping said bears. I always wanted the splendid Luftwaffe Sauer Drilling. I finally did hunt with a Drilling, flushed a deer and raised my rifle to fire the 7x57R. the 16 guage report reminded me why I like the KISS principle.

Edited by Chris Kavanaugh (11/27/07 06:17 AM)