Welcome Alex. Spend the $115 or whatever Aeromedix is selling it for. I've seen one or two on another forum for sale and, like BMO said, you're not getting that much of a break.
Add to that that you have to ask yourself if the small price break you get is worth the risk of getting a knife that has been abused by the previous nitwit owner. You know it happens…
this thread proves it. Even if you don’t get the nitwit who thinks he’s MacGyver because he can use his knife to screw in a slotted screw (despite the fact that MacGyver is smart enough to have a Swiss Army Knife that
has a screwdriver on it), you never know what kind of garbage, tree sap, pocket lint, etc. that may be stuck in the folding mechanism.
If you plan on giving this knife the role of one you can bet your life on when the time comes, the toughness of the RSK Mk1 is a sure bet, but counting on the knife to not have sustained abuse or neglect is not.