I have a Fenix P2D (uses 1 CR-123 battery), Gerber Tempo, Mini-Mag, Surefire, and some off-brand stuff. Never tried the CMG though.

It depends what you want to do with it. The Fenix is great, good battery life, has variable light levels. The Gerber uses 1 AAA, and it's about the same output as the lowest level the Fenix has (about 5-10 Lumens). The Fenix is as bright as the Surefire (with the capability to go higher), and a bit smaller. I haven't tried to break either, so I can't tell you which is tougher, though the Fenix doesn't seem to be cheap. But, I like that you can get a red filter for the Surefires, which I've done. On the flip side, the battery life on the Fenix is MUCH better than the surefire. I guess a Mag would be a good general light, as I've used one for years while in scouts. I also have a Rock Ridge (I think) light from Target - $30, about as bright as a Surefire, a little smaller, not adjustable output. If I had to do it again, I'd just stick with that and not get a Surefire, simply due to cost.

When my gf was in Africa, she said they never needed lights, as the stars or moon was always bright enough (no light pollution). Personally, I love the Fenix. I suggest that whatever you do, get something that runs on the common batteries. AA was fairly easy to get even in her village.