I didn't know we were talking about a wtshtf scenario,at least not according to the original post, correct me if I'm wrong. I think what he was talking about is things laying around on a day to day basis, things you can pick up and use. If their laying around and you see them then obviously no one has the same idea and your free to pick them up. Even if its a wtshtf scenario I really think the unprepared outnumber the prepared, so that might still leave a 2x4 , plastic bottle or maybe even a wally world bag for us to scrounge.

"receiving orders from a task master such as myself" LMAO why doesn't that surprise me.

Edited by Shadow_oo00 (11/25/07 09:34 PM)
Shadow out !!!

Prepare Or Not To Prepare That Is The Question. The Answer, You Better !!!